Tuesday 21 August 2012

Upside down

In London for work- surprised myself by fitting in a strong practice when I arrived last night and again this evening. My core strength has improved rapidly with practice and I could feel a big improvement last night when I worked on really squaring my hips for down dog splits/core planks.  Using my core also improves my arm strength and the shiva kicks for handstand prep are becoming more achievable.  Compass pose still a long way off.  The confidence I get on the mat gives me a huge endorphins boost.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Planning a productive winter veg plot

Ordered bargain veg plants last night from DT Brown seed company, really want to keep the veg beds productive over winter. Have ordered the winter greens/ spring greens mix, some calabrese plants and a range of autumn onion sets, shallots and garlic.

This all started when I clicked on the site to order seeds of green manure, one hour happy browsing later I realised I didn't have any room left to sow green manure as the beds would be full of burgeoning plants!


Thursday 16 August 2012

Happy bees

Ventured down to the beehives this morning when there was a brief sunny spell. The rain started just as I was smoking the entrance but the weather held long enough for me to change the feeder of sugar syrup and have a quick peek inside the brood box. Didn't spot the queen but the girls were quiet and gentle, bringing in nectar and pollen. I saw some young bees emerging from their brood cells. Closed the hive up just as the rain came down heavily, will investigate the meaner, neighbouring hive another day.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

see the difference

What a difference a stronger yoga practice makes - for the last 2 weeks I have been following Sadie Nardini's amazing yoga videos on youtube and I am astounded to discover that I actually like a tough morning practice - I don't wimp out of so many postures when I'm too tired to argue.

I think it was Joseph Pilates who said after 1 week you can feel the difference in your body; after 2 weeks you can see the difference in your body - and after 3 weeks you'll have a whole new body!

Week 2 - def. seeing the difference - yay!